Designated professionals

Designated Professionals are experts and strategic leaders for safeguarding. As such they are a vital source of safeguarding advice and expertise for all relevant agencies and other organisations, but particularly to health commissioners, Integrated Care Boards (ICBs), the Local Authority (LA) and NHS England, other health professionals in provider organisations, system quality groups (SQGs), regulators, the Safeguarding Children Partnership Arrangements, Corporate Parenting Boards, Safeguarding Adult Boards (SABs) and the Health and Wellbeing Boards (HWBs).

Where Designated Professionals (most commonly, Designated Doctors) continue to undertake clinical duties in addition to their designated safeguarding responsibilities, it is important that there is clarity about the two roles, particularly with regards to time and capacity to undertake designated duties. The ICB will require input into the job planning, appraisal and revalidation processes. Designated Doctors may liaise with the Regional Medical Director on those occasions that need solely medical professional consideration.

Clear accountability and performance management arrangements are essential for Designated Professionals to prevent professional isolation and promote continuous improvement.

Designated Professionals are required to: